Software Engineer - Traceable
As a software engineer working in Traceable security team
to extend the capabilities of our product. Also worked in
the platform team to maintain backend support and handle
customer issues. Also worked in the Hypertrace engineering
team to develop features for the platform.
Stack used: Java
Software Trainee - OnePlus
Hyderabad, India
Software Engineer - MyHealthBuddy
Work From Home
As a software developer my role was to automate the manual
task of entering sales data into the database. Also worked
on role based dashboard and developed functionalities for
specific type of user.
Stack used: MEAN
Software Engineer - Aided
Hyderabad, India
May 2019 - September 2019
As a software engineer my role was to setup and manage the
website, web-application and database for the company. Also
designed automated reports based on the given tests.
Stack used: Django, Bootstrap, SQL
Research Assistant - Lab for Spatial Informatics
Hyderabad, India
January 2020 - December 2020
Analyze how water and energy zones of India vary with rainfall and temperature.
This analysis was done at different temporal and spatial scales to account for
different climatic conditions.
Stack used: Python, Seaborn library
Research Assistant - Data Science and Analytics Center
Hyderabad, India
Developed a dataset hosting platform for medical datasets under the guidance
of Prof. Vikram Pudi.
Stack used: Flask
Research Assistant - Data Science and Analytics Center
Hyderabad, India
Developing a placement portal to manage all placement related communication
under the guidance of Prof. Vikram Pudi.
Stack used: Flask
Trainee - Five Finger Solutions
Hyderabad, India
August 2018 - December 2018
Worked on a computer vision team project in which my job was
to search upon the various feature detection methods and
select the most suitable among them.
Stack used: Python, OpenCV
Teaching Assistant - IIITH
Hyderabad, India
Act as a moderator between faculty and students for 'Psychology' course.